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1960 Frazee Pipe Organ (Oboe Pipe)649 views 




16' Bourdon

8' ???? (Taped Over)

8' Open Diapason

16' ???? (Taped Over)

8' Stopped Diapason

8' Melodia

8' Major Flute

8' Salicional

8' Dulciana

8' ???? (Taped Over)

8' ???? (Taped Over)

4' Octave

Great to Pedal

8' Aeoline (Voix Celeste)
(Taped Over) Voix printed on Tape

2 2/3' Twelfth

Swell to Pedal

4' Flute Harmonique

2' Fifteenth


4' ???? (Taped Over)



8' Oboe

16' Swell to Great


8' Vox Humana

8' Swell to Great



4' Swell to Great


16' Swell to Swell

4' Great to Great


4' Swell to Swell

Aug 07, 2010
1960 Frazee Pipe Organ (String Pipe)549 views 




16' Bourdon

8' ???? (Taped Over)

8' Open Diapason

16' ???? (Taped Over)

8' Stopped Diapason

8' Melodia

8' Major Flute

8' Salicional

8' Dulciana

8' ???? (Taped Over)

8' ???? (Taped Over)

4' Octave

Great to Pedal

8' Aeoline (Voix Celeste)
(Taped Over) Voix printed on Tape

2 2/3' Twelfth

Swell to Pedal

4' Flute Harmonique

2' Fifteenth


4' ???? (Taped Over)



8' Oboe

16' Swell to Great


8' Vox Humana

8' Swell to Great



4' Swell to Great


16' Swell to Swell

4' Great to Great


4' Swell to Swell

Aug 07, 2010
1960 Frazee Pipe Organ (Pedal Pipes)508 views 




16' Bourdon

8' ???? (Taped Over)

8' Open Diapason

16' ???? (Taped Over)

8' Stopped Diapason

8' Melodia

8' Major Flute

8' Salicional

8' Dulciana

8' ???? (Taped Over)

8' ???? (Taped Over)

4' Octave

Great to Pedal

8' Aeoline (Voix Celeste)
(Taped Over) Voix printed on Tape

2 2/3' Twelfth

Swell to Pedal

4' Flute Harmonique

2' Fifteenth


4' ???? (Taped Over)



8' Oboe

16' Swell to Great


8' Vox Humana

8' Swell to Great



4' Swell to Great


16' Swell to Swell

4' Great to Great


4' Swell to Swell

Aug 07, 2010
1960 Frazee Pipe Organ (Chimes)281 views 




16' Bourdon

8' ???? (Taped Over)

8' Open Diapason

16' ???? (Taped Over)

8' Stopped Diapason

8' Melodia

8' Major Flute

8' Salicional

8' Dulciana

8' ???? (Taped Over)

8' ???? (Taped Over)

4' Octave

Great to Pedal

8' Aeoline (Voix Celeste)
(Taped Over) Voix printed on Tape

2 2/3' Twelfth

Swell to Pedal

4' Flute Harmonique

2' Fifteenth


4' ???? (Taped Over)



8' Oboe

16' Swell to Great


8' Vox Humana

8' Swell to Great



4' Swell to Great


16' Swell to Swell

4' Great to Great


4' Swell to Swell

Aug 07, 2010
Great Stops--1907 Hook & Hastings, Brewer, Maine348 views1907 Hook & Hastings, Brewer, Maine.
Great Stops--See the first photo in this set for a complete description of this instrument.
Aug 07, 2010
Swell & Pedal Stops--1907 Hook & Hastings, Brewer, Maine278 viewsSwell & Pedal Stops--1907 Hook & Hastings, Brewer, Maine.
See the first photo in this set for a complete description of this instrument.
Aug 07, 2010
Façade Pipes--1907 Hook & Hastings, Brewer, Maine370 views1907 Hook & Hastings, Brewer, Maine.
See the first photo in this set for a complete description of this instrument.
Aug 07, 2010
Console w/Pedal Presets--1907 Hook & Hastings, Brewer, Maine404 viewsConsole w/Pedal Presets
1907 Hook & Hastings, Brewer, Maine.
See the first photo in this set for a complete description of this instrument.
Aug 07, 2010
1860 E. & G. G. Hook Organ, St. John's Catholic Church, Bangor, ME.329 viewsThis is the console of the 1860 E. & G. G. Hook organ at St. John's Catholic Church on the banks of the Penobscot River in Bangor, Maine.  Opus 288.
Read more about the organ at:
Aug 07, 2010
1860 E. & G. G. Hook Organ, Opus 288, St. John's Catholic Church, Bangor, ME.318 viewsThis is the reservoir & some of the tracker mechanism of the 1860 E. & G. G. Hook organ at St. John's Catholic Church on the banks of the Penobscot River in Bangor, Maine.  Opus 288.
Read more about the organ at:
Aug 07, 2010
1860 E. & G. G. Hook Organ, Opus 288, St. John's Catholic Church, Bangor, ME.332 viewsThis is the console of the 1860 E. & G. G. Hook organ at St. John's Catholic Church on the banks of the Penobscot River in Bangor, Maine.  Opus 288.
Read more about the organ at:
Aug 07, 2010
1907 Hook & Hastings, Brewer, Maine309 views1907 Hook & Hastings at 2nd Congregational Church in Brewer, Maine.  I was organist/music director there for a couple of years.
This instrument had the 8' and 4' Pedal Flutes electronically coupled to produce the octave.  Otherwise, it was a pure tracker instrument.

8' Gedeckt

8' Viola

4' Nachthorn

2' Prinzipal

8' Oboe


8' Diapason

8' Spitzholzflöte

4' Octave

2' Rausch Quint II

16' Bourdon

8' Gedeckt Bass (electronically coupled)

4' Flute (electronically coupled)

Great to Pedal

Swell to Pedal

Swell to Great

Swell to Great Super
Foot Preset Levers

Swell F

Swell P

Great to Pedal

Balanced Swell (expression pedal--mechanical)

Full Organ

Great F

Great P
Quite an amazingly versatile instrument for such a small package. 
Aug 07, 2010
123 files on 11 page(s) 1