Façade Pipes--1907 Hook & Hastings, Brewer, Maine370 views1907 Hook & Hastings, Brewer, Maine.
See the first photo in this set for a complete description of this instrument.
Great Stops--1907 Hook & Hastings, Brewer, Maine348 views1907 Hook & Hastings, Brewer, Maine.
Great Stops--See the first photo in this set for a complete description of this instrument.
Hammond L-101421 viewsThe Hammond L-101 at church w/Leslie 125.
Hammond L-101 at Church356 viewsHammond L-101 at Church
Hammond L-101 Drawbars332 viewsHammond L-101 Drawbars
Hammond L-101 Leslie Controls323 viewsHammond L-101 Leslie Controls
Leslie 125 Speaker connected to a Hammond L-101.342 viewsLeslie 125 Speaker connected to a Hammond L-101.
Leslie 125 Speaker Oiling Instruction Tag--Connected to Hammond L-101352 viewsLeslie 125 Speaker Oiling Instruction Tag--Connected to Hammond L-101
Leslie 125 Speaker Tag--Connected to Hammond L-101375 viewsLeslie 125 Speaker Tag--Connected to Hammond L-101
Longwood Gardens--Aeolian Organ (June 2009)377 viewsLongwood Gardens--Aeolian Organ (June 2009). Currently being re-built. Expected completion is 2010.This is the rocker tabs for the following divisions:
Longwood Gardens--Aeolian Organ (June 2009).315 viewsLongwood Gardens--Aeolian Organ (June 2009). Currently being re-built. Expected completion is 2010.
This is the rocker tabs for the following divisions:
Longwood Gardens--Aeolian Organ Console (June 2009)358 viewsLongwood Gardens--Aeolian Organ Console (June 2009). Currently being re-built. Expected completion is 2010.
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